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- Sally K. Severino - Birth 2012 and BeyondThis book is a call by visionary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard for a sustainable planetary civilization. She was already seeing such a positive future in 1984 when her name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket.
Even earlier, at the age of fifteen, Hubbard was searching for where the human race was going that was good. Reading Reinhold Niebuhr, a Christian philosopher and theologian, and meeting Abraham Maslow, a psychologist who studied well people, gave her some answers to her questioning.
The key to a positive future, Hubbard persuades, is to find one’s own dormant potential for action and to give it to others. This self-actualization is a source of inner joy, which she calls “the compass of joy.” In her words, “The compass turns on when you are with a person who attracts you to give your gift in such a way that the other person is able to give more of their gift with you.” This creative synergy is the road to a new consciousness where all people are moving the world toward what is good.
Her vision is a hopeful one and an achievable one to the extent that people understand and endorse her roadmap to a planetary shift in consciousness.
The book is interesting and compelling. It also contains creative essays by twelve evolutionary leaders known as the Welcoming Committee for those called to join in Hubbard’s call.
Well worth the read! - jhenny - Cant stop loving thisAlways wanted to get this tablet since ayear it as a present with keyboard. Love it. I control my tvusing thks along with others. I love reading on kindle app. The image is so crisp and it can last me like two days before dying. It comes with microsoft. This has become my best friend since ive been in college. PLEASE ifyour thinking about it. Buy this tablet!
- Barry Baumgardner - History of US Racial DemagogeryAnn Coulter does an excellent review of the issue of racism as
it evolved in the United States over the last few decades. There
are a number of twists and turns that are both surprising and
unexpected during that evolution that Ann brings out that I've
never heard before, and fact check as right on. - Carol Toscano - Simply fantasticNOLO Publishing is one of the best legal publishers out there (for books and software). In addition to this Quicken Willmaker Plus software, I also have the NOLO companion book for creating a will. I have many NOLO published books, in fact.
For all those people who are afraid to create a will this will make it easy. Aside from a will, this software includes a Health Care Proxy, Power of Attorney, Living Will, Health Care Directive, and many other useful documents. The software is updateable through the website until the end of 2013. You also get a little book entitled The Legal Answer Book for Families.
The program reminded me of a Turbo Tax type of deal in which you answer the questions from screen to screen and thus, your will (or whatever document you're working on) is generated. It's very simple. The company offers good support and customer service as well as a helpful and useful website.
I can't say enough great things about NOLO.
This is a fantastic "do-it-yourself" product. But I'd still have an attorney look it over when you're done. - Dcamp - So far, so goodAlways had a canister sweeper. Getting too old to carry it upstairs and hold it while I do the stairs. It was 10 years old and falling apart. Got this Shark based on reviews and price. I LOVE THIS SWEEPER. I've had it two days and swept the floors until no dirt came out. I emptied the chamber 7 times! We have hard wood floors and only area rugs. I thought my carpets were relatively clean. NOT. My husband thinks it will only last two weeks because I didn't pay alot--very skeptical. I will repost in a few months. For now-very happy. The hose is long enough for me to do the steps, it's light but it does not reach under tables very well and filled up quickly-but that should even out once I am on a regular schedule. I think I would like the swivel head--maybe next time.