
Join the Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse - - The National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse was founded to educate and create awareness for parents and students about the danger of prescription drug abuse.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 84606 Provo, Utah

  • S. Robbins "talking to a tortoise" - Excellent Resource Book for Nursing StudentsThis book was planned as a way to help nursing students who failed their RN exams. It provides study techniques, practice tests, questions, guidelines and strategies for passing the test. I gave this book to my daughter BEFORE she started nursing school and she found it very interesting and helpful. The Kaplan tests help nursing students to know how they are progressing and how likely they will be to pass the final RN testing. Study practices and strategies are so important when you have a subject as densely packed with knowledge and memorizations as the nursing profession is. You can be a brilliant student and not pass the tests if you don't have good test taking skills.
  • Trista - My intestines are *finally* back to normal!I had severe food poisoning (or a virus) on June 1st. Since then, I have had trouble with digestion - primarily constipation. Food would seem to get to the intestines and then just stop. I had a distended belly I couldn't get rid of. I am very healthy, eat well, exercise and normally have an almost flat stomach. I was up a pant size. I had a myriad of tests run for everything from parasites, to anything stomach related. I thought I had SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) because it was the only thing I could come up with. After being on several antibiotics, the next thing my gastroenterologist had recommended was a colonoscopy. I even did a bowel prep hoping I would get back to normal. Miralax helped but i didn't want to be on that forever. Finally, after researching probiotics, I chose this one. It was readily available at the pharmacy and had the most active "good" bacterias. I am 2-3 weeks into my 30 day supply and I finally feel like my old self again. There is something like post traumatic ibs, meaning your system has been shocked and it just takes some time to get back to normal. In reading about my symptoms, one doctor wrote that severe food poisoning can knock out good bacteria as well as bad bacteria in your system. I think this would best describe what I had. I was perfectly fine prior to the food poisoning on June 1st. I didn't get a colonoscopy, thankfully, and am so, so glad to feel like I have my body back on a normal, daily rhythm. If you've had something like this, I highly recommend this product.
  • sophiaedm - Superb-- it lays out the futureI finished Age of Context, actually I finished it two nights after it was sent to me. It's insightfully incredible. Age of Context is everything I hoped The New Digital Age would be. It explains the future to anyone, which I believe will be millions and millions of people. I've already told all my friends they need to purchase it.

    Even if people know the potential of Glass, Scoble and Israel lay the groundwork for getting people to picture their life with it. I hope people read this book and proceed to brainstorm ideas on what products they can help build on Glass and it's competitors to make this world a better place.

    This book will be widely successful. Superb job. I love Glass and all of it's potential. Cheers to reaching the very beginnings of the exponential growth curve.