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  • J. Al-hashimi - Unobtrusive, simple to install, no slowdown of system-Simple/fast to install.
    -Simple interface.
    -Runs unobtrusively.
    -No slowdown of my system that I can tell. (there's a nice gamer mode that can be toggled)
    -It received mixed reviews from PCMag after it failed to handle newer phishing sites and failed to detect some malware but they have an arguably vigorous testing process. If you really want to get into it, search for "The Best Antivirus for 2012" on PCMag. They do an overview of the independent testing lab results, too.
    -Also, I noticed it has a nice battery saving option that prevents my laptop from being scanned when I'm running on battery to save power. It can be disabled if you don't want to postpone scans.
  • StrawberryThief - My parents tested me with this and the results were AMAZINGSeveral doctors had previously tried to test me in the conventional way but to no avail. They just couldn't tell.

    Then my parents bought me this and got some great results. It was really easy to use and I was tested in no time at all! It's just an added bonus that this is a pack of five - it allowed them to take an average of my test results to be extra sure. The tests can be re-used, too, so there's really no downside. Safe, fun, educational, result-yielding.

    Me and my mum and dad highly recommend this item.
  • Connee Davidson - The Hunt is OnThis second book was as exciting and gripping as the first one and kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. The hardest part of finishing it will be the two month wait for number three. All of the fans of this trilogy will be anticipating the final outcome of this harrowing story..including me!
  • Patti Fischer "pattifischer" - Simple to useI've used this product in the past, so was a little familar with WillMaker Plus. It's pretty standard software. Load onto the computer and follow the steps to download it.

    You can only use it for one person, so don't think about sharing it unless you want to purchase one that allows you to share with others.

    As for this software... It even has a video to help you get started and to import contacts. Once you register, then you go right into the setting up your will. In addition to a will, you get to create a durable power of attorney document, a health care directive and other documents that you may need. You can even create a final arrangements checklist for your survivors.

    WillMaker also gives you other forms that are not really part of your will, but useful for folks. This includes such things as authorizations for minors, a housesitting agreement, request for a birth certificate. There is really a lot of forms that you may use in your lifetime, but probably several you never will. But WillMaker tries to cover all the bases.

    It's convenient and easy to use if you're looking for a low cost alternative to hiring an attoreny.
  • Kathleen Lawrence - It chaned my life!Sometimes in life we stumble across a treasure or unrefined jewel that inspires
    us to grow and elevate the quality of our lives simply by taking a chance and trying something new. A friend suggested I read this book and now I find myself reaching out to others to read it as well. It's an easy read, thoughtful and direct in its speech and above all else honest.