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  • G. K. Halseth "ritestuf" - Just Ordered the Next Three in SeriesI was looking for a series that would make me stop rereading Twilight series for the 10th time, I admit I have another obsession. Don't know how I found Outlander, but it certainly has filled my desire for characters with lives I can escape into. Second in series was hard to get through, I just didn't care about French aristocracy. To demonstrate my deep obsession with these characters, as ordering next three, read author's page in Amazon and wept with joy to see there is a movie in the works. Thank you Diana Gabaldon.
  • Joyiam - Lifesaver!I was living a lonely, haunted life; unable to write a legible word; going to doctor after doctor; subjecting myself to horrible painful test after test...all to no avail. The doctors finally determined that it was just because I was a woman and that my place was in the kitchen...writing was better left to the men.

    I had just about decided that I had no choice but to accept this horrible ghastly plight that life had dealt me, when BIC came to my rescue! Thank you, Thank You, Thank You Bic! Because of you and the new "BIC Cristal for Her" I can finally write and legibly too!

    Who knew that I did not suffer from some serious deformity or genetic defect? It was all due to being forced to use a bulky man pen all my life! All those doctor visits, the medical tests, the lobotomies...all for naught!! It was just because my dainty woman's hands are not designed for ungainly men pens!

    Please help get the word out to women everywhere! Because of BIC and the new "BIC Cristal for Her", we may be able to save many women from suffering through the horrible fate that I did before "BIC Cristal for Her" came to my rescue!
  • Miss Cheryl A. Maber - the warlocks last ride by christopher stasheffthe warlocks last ride is a really great read, would recomment it to any one who is a science fiction fanactic like myself I love it, the book arrived on time, was in great condition, and I would use amazonmarket place again, was terrific, I couldnt put the book down, just wish I could get them on ebooks
  • Drzman58 - Great Purchase!!!!Okay, let me just say I never write reviews! It's not that I don't like the things i buy, I just don't find a need to take time out of my life to write something online…..but as soon I tried the Flex belt I felt it was something amazing and different than anything available out there for abs, so here I am, writing a review! - I do have an ab routine but wanted to take things to the next level so when i saw the commercial for this device, i read about it online and decided it might be fun. I looked at other EMS brands but I liked the flex belt design the best and the fact that it didn't need batteries, it really only came down to that for me and that AMAZON sells it. Anyway, I have been using this belt as directed from day 1 and I am totally feeling the difference. My abs are firmer and I am starting to get some obliques definition. I did start at a higher level than recommended but its because I was not out of shape, i could handle it. This thing is so powerful, it still amazes me, I have yet to be able to set it on it's MAX level, for me 60 is where I like it right now. I say use this 5 times and week, eat well and you will be amazed just like I am.
  • L. Rifenbark - Perfect for our needsI wanted a stroller that was lighter than my Chicco Cortina from baby 1 but not $300+ in case baby 2 hated riding in a stroller. I was torn between the City Mini and the B-agile and, after watching You Tube reviews and reading up on both strollers, we went with the b-agile. It's light, very easy to push, easy to fold, and fits easily in the back of our minivan. My husband likes the fact that the b-agile doesn't have a bar that connects the back two wheels so, unlike other strollers we've owned, he doesn't kick it. You can take long strides and not kick the back of the stroller. We use this for power walks around the neighborhood and trips to the park. We also own a BOB doullie but it's a beast and this stroller is great for when just one kid needs to ride in it. Note: This is not a jogging stroller but it's very stable and can handle quick walks on uneven cement. It's stable regardless of whether my 12lb newborn is in it or my 38lb 4 year old. The lack of full recline is not an issue, even for a newborn. Our baby was able to ride in it as a newborn with the Britax infant insert. At 13 weeks, she still uses the insert but could probably go without it. The canopy is very large and keeps the sun off of her newborn skin. The basket on the bottom has enough room to hold several pool towels and snacks. My 40 inch 4 year old has plenty of room to sit in it as well. If you are on the fence about whether to buy a nice umbrella stroller and/or don't want to spend the money on a City Mini, I highly recommend this as an alternative.