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  • Robert De Thomas Jr. "Bob De Thomas" - Absolutely Hysterical and All True If You're in This Age Group!I started laughing just about from the first page. Crystal takes us on a very funny journey through his life. All the time while I was reading the book, I could hear his voice and visualize him telling these tales. I found myself savoring every page and didn't want the book to end. In the next few days, I'm going to trade this book for Crystal's "700 Sundays" which a friend of mine has and can't wait to read "Still Fooling 'Em".

    I highly recommend this book, especially to those in our age group of 55-60+ who will "get it" and laugh right along with Crystal.
  • Teresa - Great Book to review and study coding!Good book to review and study medical coding. I have already taken the courses, so, this provides a good review.
  • alayna brimer - My 3 year old loves it!!We bought this as a gift for Christmas for our 3 year old hoping it wouldn't be "too old" for her, but that's not the case!! she was able to figure it out right away and shes in love with it. I would recommend buying rechargeable batteries with it though because you literally have to change them every other day.
  • A155A - It's a great book, but hearing the man in person is way betterI love the way Matthew wrote this book, it's quite similar to hearing him speak with his high level of energy and conviction.

    This is especially good for women who have been single for a while and are taking the time to figure out the lessons learnt, in order to be able to move forward and be more successful in relationships.

    I truly recommend it.

    Hey Matthew: how about an audiobook, read by you? ;)
  • Carol "My taste in books seems to run along a... - Mesmerizing tale, hypnotic narrationThis review is about Simon Vance's audio narration of the book, which I found totally engrossing. I was fully drawn into the characters and the era in a unique presentation of well-trodden material, from the point of view of one of the often-overlooked major players in British history. "Bring Up the Bodies" is definitely for historical fiction buffs, and I think if you don't know a fair amount about Tudor England you might get lost. But the story of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn is such a well-mined area, I suspect most people who are interested in the book will have more than adequate background. Much better narrator and more entertaining story than "Wolf Hall," to which it is the sequel. This is definitely one where I recommend audio over print.