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  • TexasSurferGirl - Soul Surfer: Best book EVER!!!!!This book was really inspiring. If anyone is unsure about reading this book, I would encourage them to read it. One of my friends (who surfs) told me about this book. She said that this book inspired her to get back in the water after a surfing accident. All in all, it's a great read for kids, an inspirational look at life for teens, and a heartwarming true story for adults. Two thumbs up!!!!
  • Mike K - The JJ Abrams Look...I got these frames in black and I'm definitely rocking the JJ.

    They are great looking frames. Classy and classic. If your one to look "neat" (i.e. clean cut hair, facial hair) these are great frames that accentuate the clean lines. The darker your hair, the better these will look on you. I have dark brown hair but can see that if I had darker hair, it would make the glasses pop just a bit more.

    Not to mention, all the rip-off drug store/gas station sunglasses are based on this design. Right down to the 2 little chrome diamonds on the corners. So you'll know and can show that you have the real deal Ray Bans.
  • W. Jackson - Keurig 2700Not much of a coffee drinker, but this machine offers other selections (Iced tea, iced coffee, hot cocoa, etc). This size selector is a nice plus. My wife has gotten hooked on the Keurig coffee and thinks everything else (except Starbucks) is inferior. She can't wait to put this little item into use.
  • L. Beatty - wonderful!I had seen her books in the store and heard of her movies, but until I heard her talk on NPR I didn't pay attention. When she explained what she likes to write about I was intrigued. This book was funny, heartbreaking, captivating and real. I could relate to the struggles of the characters and their triumph's gave me hope.
  • Hans van de Wouw - A product doing justice to the artistic excellence it celebratesAbsolutely fantastic. How good to see a photograph of Dr. Fred Hamel at the beginning of the booklet: an act of justice and gratitude. Great to get some CD's that one has already on vinyl (with wear and tear!) Every lover of ancient music should grasp this opportunity! Nothing is wrong with having a different interpretation of works like Monteverdi's Vespers, the Messiah, the Goldberg Variations, Brandenburg Concerto's... And many discoveries, to be honest. And the contents of pp. 190-195 of the booklet, with the recording data of all the CD's: these make this collection really perfect. Thank you, Archiv Produktion, and continue your good job.

    Hans van de Wouw, Sales de Llierca, Girona