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  • Mjfit - Helpful Guide for Career WomenThe many anecdotes sited by the author create memorable scenarios for the reader to recall when she finds herself in similar situations. The actions recommended by Sheryl are simple and easy to remember. Her advice is not esoteric. It's practical and easy to understand. This book is a must read for any woman beginning a career and might help those who have found their careers to have "fizzled Out."
  • BookMan - Spray on some holiday cheer and have a religious experience at the same time!Are you tired of dealing with peaceful students? Concerned that they may offend your Fascist sensitivities? Not to worry! Just a few quick squirts into the faces of benign young scholars will do the trick! Defense Technology 56895 MK-9 Stream is guaranteed to rid most areas of just about anything that gets your panties in a knot!

    MK-9 is not only a great pesticide but is quite versatile: in fact, the renowned UC Campus Police Lt. John Pike has perfected its use as a tool for creating performance art - just in time for the Thanksgiving Holidays! A few simple squirts will fill the air with a festive fall orangey color and smells great (although it's a bit more reminiscent of those HOT summer days than the waning days of autumn).

    If you're not into pesticides or holiday décor, Lt. John Pike has also offered his contributions to the culinary arts, here's the recipe for his savory "pepper spray delight":

    1. Acquire a sufficient number of students
    2. Bundle them together (arm linking is very effective)
    3. Turn up the heat
    4. Spray on liberal amounts of MK-9

    Isn't that simple? No cooking required so this recipe can be used almost anywhere!

    Not surprisingly, MK-9 has many medical uses: although we wouldn't recommended it (and the UC Davis Campus Police haven't yet conducted clinical trials - at least none that have yet been published), it is suspected that this product would offer the ultimate in colon cleansing! (Wouldn't be great if Fox News Anchor, Megan Kelly, volunteered for product testing as part of a reality show?) Defense Technology's research division has, however, demonstrated that their product is highly efficacious as an eye wash. Indeed, pepper spray is even capable of providing a religious experience. Just think, you can experience something right out of Bible and can even relive Apostle Paul's defining moment in history by experiencing temporary blindness. The anecdote, however, is simple - merely enroll at the University of California campus near you (warning, tuition is subject to change at any moment) and recite their motto - "Fiat Lux" (Let there be light)! It's probable that your eyesight will eventually be restored. Note: results will vary.
  • Frances A. Billker "Islandgirl" - Great travel aidOne again Streets and Trips has proven invaluable in trip planning.I got this version to replace an earlier version (*much* eartlier) that had become outdated. I use this program to search out routes, plan where to stop for the night based in part on where my favorite lodging places are in relation to a rough estimate of my "end of day" calculations -- another part of "Roujte Planning" in this program. With S&T I can see what lodging places - by name - are close to a specific exit that suits my end of day plan. I can even see what gas stations are at ay given exit to aid in planning fuel stops - again by brand.

    There is much to recommend this program and nothing to dissuade anyone who travels by car, RV or motorcycle. Great buy!