
The Stevens Company - Canada: Medical Supplies and Equipment - The Stevens Company, a leading medical supply distributor in Canada, takes pride in offering exceptional customer service and a wide range of quality medical supplies to their customers. Over 100 years of experience serving the Canadian medical community.

Country: North America, CA, Canada

City: Mississauga, Ontario

  • Ndia M. Parker-McWhorter "Barnard Babe" - The Best Conditioner You Will Ever Use!!I found out about this product from a woman with curly hair and doubted that it would work on my hair, which is really curly, dry, and tangled. However after using this product once I have no doubts in its ability to leave my hair super soft and managable. I recommend leaving the conditioner one under a plastic shower cap for at least 30 minutes, in order to let it really penetrate super kinky hair.

    DevaCurl One Condition, 32 oz.
  • John D. Gilman Jr. - Best Product EverI had been to doctors for years to try to get on top of severe sweating. After being prescribed many products over years, I decided to try this product based on customer reviews I had read. It worked perfectly and without all the doctor bills! Actually, I have never been so impressed with a product and never bother to right reviews. Tip: you can reuse on pad for a week. I put it on at night after a shower.