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  • James Craver - perfect gift for the kidsI highly recommend this product! Everyone knows that kids LOVE slicing their own bananas and so what better of a holiday gift than the one and only Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer? My two kids were ecstatic upon opening up their presents to find their very own Hutzler 571 Banana Slicers! They use them all the time; in fact, my son rarely even plays his Playstation or X-Box anymore because he finds so much enjoyment in slicing his own bananas. Every kid needs to have one of these!
  • youngmommy - im so happy i took the chanceOk so i bought fertilaid and took it for two weeks 3 pills a day and i had no side effects until two later i started getting really bad mood swings and started throwing up so i stop taking them but after a week i was still sick and getting worsr.so my husband told me to take s preg test i didn't want to see another negative test but i did and for the girst time ever after trying for a year i got my first positive