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Country: Europe, DE, Germany

  • barbatus - Very good moisturizer.I had a problem when my face skin would become very dry after a shower for the reason I still don't know (inclined to think because of water quality). That dryness was very unpleasant and led to skin irritations and redness each time. Now I am lucky to say that 'Hope in a jar' solved that problem for me. It's very good moisturizer, if not perfect, with light consistency and good absorption time, besides that my skin becomes a bit radiant after each application which, i suppose, makes that cream a good nourisher for my skin as well.
  • Miranda - Seeing is believing.I am a skeptic when it comes to things like this. I do not believe in 'magic pills', and let me tell you - THIS IS NOT ONE. It is not a magic pill that will just make your skinnier or lose your weight without your effort. Before I bought this, I read the negative, and the positive reviews. Many of the negative were talking about how they did none of the work, and only gave it 30 minutes before eating. You're not going to get any results like that. So, if you're looking for a magic pill, this isn't for you.

    If, however, you are willing to take this in addition to something as SIMPLE as walking, you will benefit! I was WAY out of shape, with no muscles, and was in no way ready to run or do some huge boot camp type ordeal. All I have are 3 & 5 lb weights, a step, and a fitness ball. These are all easy, inexpensive utensils to my weight loss. I take my pill at 8am, 12pm, and 4:30pm. I plan to eat between 9am-10am, 1pm-2pm, and 6-7pm. These are my MAIN meals. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. I give it at least an hour to let the pill hit me, and then, when I do, I do not crave any snacks, or any deserts, or anything. I eat smaller portions, and I don't feel hunger for more! THIS HAPPENED THE FIRST DAY I TRIED THEM.

    I am taking the 3 pills per meal. I am eating an hour after taking them. I am working out 'lightly' for 30 minutes. I am eating things like sandwich subs, from pasta (smaller portions), from fish and chicken. I am not eating sweets like ice cream or candy or baked goods.

    You have to be an active participant in your weight loss. If you do, then this pill will work for you. I have been working on it for two weeks. I have lost 12 lbs. AND I AM NOT HUNGRY. (: (: (:
  • Michael Witten "JERZ79" - Parachute!Wow! I love this book....I recently lost my job after two years. Ironically, I didn't want to be there anymore, but I was changing careers and had to learn as much as I could before moving on. So, I revamped my resume and visited companies on a daily basis, in person. I got noticed immediately, was called in for several interviews, one with a great company. After one month of going back and forth, they pulled the position. I lost my job because I called out for one of the interviews and couldn't miss another day. I've learned through this experience, always hold on to your job no matter how much you hate it, just till you actually get your dream job. Don't leave based on solid interviews, only when they actually HIRE you because like Mr. Bolles mentions, things can fall through. I've been out of work for two months, but have a lot of support and money put away.

    Here's the funny thing....the company that pulled the position in the first place, called me and wants to meet again. I guess Duck was right, luck plays a role in job-hunting, but things have a mysterious way of working out. Great book, highly recommend it!
  • Stephanie Hippo - Sandberg Gets WomenSheryl Sandberg- regardless of how she got to the top- knows women leadership when she sees it. She understands women and has put her research into the book. While it's true that Sandberg's actual content is limited to about 170 pages, the notes she includes are important and worth looking into if a particular part of the book struck a chord with you. This definitely isn't a book she wrote quickly to make money; it's a thoroughly researched masterpiece to illustrate some of the hurdles women face in the workplace and what they can do to change them.

    Be the Master of your own destiny. Be the change you want to see in the world. Lean In. Whatever phrase you want to use, Sandberg emphasizes that women need to speak up. I beg you to get the book, read it, and pass it on to a young woman you know. Encourage tomorrow's women to be leaders and take action for their own futures and the next generation may just be the one that levels the field.

    Check out Cathryn Michon's review (from March 22, 2013). She's completely hit the nail on the head for this book.
  • Mr. Hai V. Nguyen "haingu" - Microsoft AutoRoute Euro 2011 (Old Version)I use the MS AutoRoute 2011 to plan all my trips to Europe, as a backup to my Garmin GPS. I print out all the itineraries and file them in a folder, in case the satellites are not available.
    It updates by itself when hooked up to the internet. The information received is quite accurate. Buy a GPS adapter just in case your GPS stops working.
    I would recommend it as a back up to your GPS, since most European hotels offer Wifi, when the weather is densely cloudy making acquiring satellites difficult.